Monday, 31 October 2011

Feedback for Class Members

Samantha+Tanya's group:

They will be doing a performance video for a song. the presentation was not well planned because the slides changed in a way which they did not plan them to. only one person was talking so it was not that good. they have looked up the risk assessments and they have tried to sort these out. the song which they are doing is sung by a boy band and they are girls so how are they going to perform this.

Bham's Group

why are they turing a girl into a boy? and what does this show. their motive is to show that the girls can do everything what a boy can do but why are they turing the girl into a boy.

Zak's group

Planning is terrible and does not follow on. song is not related it is not well planned out and i am still confused about what they are going to do for their video.

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